The Demonic Paradise Wiki


Tuonela, also known as Manala, was the realm of the dead, where the old Finnish pagans would end up after dead. Tuonela is also the name of the river that leads to the realm.


The dead would arrive down the river of the same name, and it was the destination for both good and bad souls, where they would wander as grey, shadow-like beings.

It is also likely that Tuonela is one of the many regions of the Underworld, and ruled over by Tuoni, the Finnish deity of the dead who governs immorally over the dead.

Väinämöinen and some other wise men have managed to travel to Tuonela, in order to learn new spells or raise the dead, though the journey to the realm and back was dangerous. Heroes also have traveled there in order to prove their worth, though has often ended in tragedy.

