Surtr is the first fire giant to emerge during the birth of the universe. Come Ragnarök, Surtr will lead his kin into battle against the Aesir and Vanir gods, the cyclical destruction of the cosmos.
After Ymir's own birth from the Ginnungagap, Surtr's own birth would directly follow. Hailing from Muspelheim, the extreme southern region of heat and fire, Surtr would bring heat to the young cosmos, creating the sun and the stars out of his own primordial flame.
Eventually, Surtr would begin forging a legendary fiery sword for one sole purpose: to burn down Asgard when Ragnarök comes. The sword is known as the Twilight Sword, which is made entirely out of fire and is said to be as bright as the sun itself with which the world is razed before it sinks into the sea.
Currently, Surtr and the other fire giants remain hidden in Muspelheim and will only appear when Ragnarök begins. Surtr, never sleeping and continuously honing his fiery sword, patiently waits for the time in which he would fulfill his purpose: to die in order to complete a grand cycle much bigger than himself.
His particular destiny is to kill the god Freyr and to be slain by him in turn. However, his flames will still be able to destroy Asgard before the Vanir god could kill him, and from the resulting destruction the world will be born anew as the cycle continues. When Surtr is slain, his fire will spread about the Earth and cause mass global destruction only for the world to be reborn anew.