The Demonic Paradise Wiki
Sin Devil Trigger

Sin Devil Trigger.

That? You could call it an upgrade. And one that's more than capable of kicking your ass.
~ Dante to Lucifer after unlocking his Sin Devil Trigger

I'm the strongest in this world now. This power is everything I've ever wanted and more. But of course who else would be strong enough to challenge me other than you, little brother?
~ Vergil to Dante before their final battle

Such's unbelievable. It's almost as if I'm watching two gods preparing for battle.
~ Ivan Romanov marveling at the newly risen power of the sons of Sparda

The Sin Devil Trigger is a secondary demonic transformation and a highly evolved version of a normal Devil Trigger. The Sin Devil Trigger is by far the most powerful form that the Sons of Sparda have ever achieved, superior to even the Majin Form, to the point where many have outright stated that both Dante and Vergil may be even more powerful than their own legendary father. It is believed to be a manifestation of their true power.


The Sin Devil Trigger was achieved by the twin cambions after they consumed two halves of the Rebis, the complete and true form of the divine fruit that grows on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, with both halves representing the opposing forces in the natural order of things yet are complementary with one another in harmony. This not only allowed Dante and Vergil to fully embrace their demonic and human sides respectively, but also unlocked their true hidden potential while also bestowing them with enough power to make newly forged blades in their own name. Afterwards, they did battle with Lucifer, whom was fully restored to his angelic prime, and were more than capable of making the seemingly all-powerful archangel struggle in a fight. Lucifer himself was surprised by the amount of power that the two obtained and noted that no demonic half-breed should be this powerful. He took note of their increase in power with how they managed to parry and block many of his attacks and counter with their own uniquely powerful attacks.

Lucifer launched one of his more powerful attacks as he gathered and converged hydrogen and helium before igniting them to create a massive sequence of stars which formed into a sun before launching it towards the sons of Sparda. The twins used the power of their Sin Devil Triggers through fusing; they ejected the armored plating from their Sin Devil Trigger, with the ongoing energies that resided behind the plating then swirling around one another alongside their respective plating before taking the form of a Sin Devil Trigger that has the combined appearance of both Dante and Vergil's that actually resembles Sparda's Ultimate Devil Trigger. They crossed their respective blades together, pouring all their power through them then combining them to create a massively powerful attack in an attempt to push back Lucifer's own assault. Finally, they unleashed this attack by swinging their swords outwards in a cross-shaped formation which collided against Lucifer's attack and pushed it backwards. They contributed to the counter once again by performing a more powerful version of Dante's signature Stinger that completely redirected Lucifer's attack back at him, wounding the archangel.

The twins would then eventually have one final battle with Satan himself who betrayed Lucifer by stabbing him with Anguis in the back and absorbing his divine power to restore himself to his own former divine glory. The twins did battle with the angelic Satan around the Tree of Knowledge with the Devil proving himself to be far more dangerous than even Lucifer as the sons of Sparda struggled considerably against him even in their Sin Devil Trigger state. However, as the battle progressed, both Dante and Vergil easily matched Satan blow for blow before soon overpowering him with their fighting prowess, maintaining the upper hand from time to time and landing powerful blows that visibly rattled and injured Satan. When they reached the top of the Firmament, the clashing of their attacks were so immensely powerful that they warped the very dimensional fabric of space and time, continuously having the environment around them shift to different locations or realms. Despite the fact that Satan pushed through with his relentless assaults, Dante and Vergil would only decisively overpower him in their Sin Devil Triggers, pummeling him with never-ending attacks until Satan began to grow weary.


The Sin Devil Trigger is the pinnacle of demonic power and is both Dante and Vergil at their absolute peak. It grants them unimaginable levels of power as they can unleash an extremely wide variety of attacks that have devastating and cataclysmic effects on the environment itself to where it can be visible from even space. It is shown during their fights against Lucifer and later a restored Satan, that their attacks have apocalyptic properties as they made the very strata of the Earth upheave, distorted the sky to where it causes unnatural otherworldly tempests, and even warp the very space around them. They even managed to hold their own against the two fallen angels in their Celestial Sparks though they struggled considerably in the process for a while.

Nico states that there is "no telling" how much power the Sons of Sparda have in their current forms, with Ivan Romanov likening the two brothers as "demonic gods" and Immanuel having no doubt that they far exceeded the power of their father. Vergil himself said, before his final battle with Dante, that the power he has now is "everything that he has ever wanted and more" further going on to say that both he and Dante are now the strongest on this planet.

The Sin Devil Trigger also provides the ability of fusion. Dante and Vergil are able to eject the armored plating from their Sin Devil Trigger, with the ongoing energies that resided behind the plating then swirling around one another alongside their respective plating before taking the form of a Sin Devil Trigger that has the combined appearance of both Dante and Vergil's own Sin Devil Trigger but with the difference of emitting purple demonic energies which somewhat resembles Sparda's Ultimate Devil Trigger and their blades could either be wielded dually or could even intertwine to create a more powerful blade that has shown to be more than capable of cancelling out both Lucifer and Satan's most powerful attacks. They also have access to additional powers in their combined Sin Devil Trigger state and could also combine their respective abilities together.

