The Demonic Paradise Wiki


Scarmiglione, his name possibly meaning "Trouble Maker", is one of the twelve named demons of the Malebranche in the 8th Circle of Hell's 5th Gulf, where corrupt politicians are immersed in burning pitch, the Malebolge.


True to the meaning of his name, Scarmiglione is known to incite a commotion among the corrupt politicians that burn within the boiling tar pit.


He is able to force the damned souls of the politicians to challenge one another's notions and ideals, causing a great stir in the legions of the damned. The senseless bickering and arguments between the politicians cause the boiling tar that they are bound within to increase in heat, and making their torment even more agonizing.

One soul describes Scarmiglione as a fly that cannot be disposed of during a conversation, slowly driving the commentator to anger and thus rendering the once civil conversation into a heated verbal battle.
