Horus and Hathor, the king and queen of the Netjer-pantheon, among the humans pharaohs.
The Netjer are the collective pantheon of gods and goddesses, including demons and other spirits, that are worshiped and recognised in ancient Egypt.
Known Netjer[]
- Nun: Egyptian Primordial God of the Watery Abyss
- Naunet: Egyptian Primordial Goddess of the Watery Abyss
- Heh: Egyptian Primordial God of Infinity and Eternity
- Hauhet: Egyptian Primordial Goddess of Infinity
- Kek: Egyptian Primordial God of the Darkness and the Day
- Kauket: Egyptian Primordial Goddess of the Darkness and the Day
- Qerḥ: Egyptian Primordial Snake God of the Night
- Qerḥet: Egyptian Primordial Snake Goddess of the Night
- Amun: Egyptian Primordial Ram God of the Air
- Amunet: Egyptian Primordial Ram Goddess of the Air
- Ra: God of the Sun (former ruler)
- Shu: God of the Air
- Tefnut: Goddess of Moisture
- Geb: God the Earth
- Nut: Goddess of the Sky
- Osiris: God of the Underworld and Fertility (former ruler)
- Isis: Goddess of Motherhood, Magic and Kingship
- Set: God of Chaos, Storms and Desert
- Nephthys: Goddess of Death and Dusk
- Horus: God of the Sky and Kingship (current ruler)
Other major gods[]
- Anubis: God of the Dead and Mummification
- Thoth: God of wisdom and magic
- Hathor: Goddess of Love, Beauty and Music, wife of Horus
- Bastet: Goddess of Cats and Protection
- Sekhmet: Goddess of Vengeance
- Mut: Goddess of Motherhood
- Khonsu: God of the Moon
- Ptah: God of Craftsmanship
- Hapi: God of the Nile
- Neith: Goddess of the Hunt and Creation
- Khnum: God who Crafted their Humans
- Sobek: God of the Nile
- Bes: God of Protection
- Anhur: God of War and Hunting