Moulton Coins.
The Moulton Coins were historical gold coins that were used by none other than Mammon, the Prince of Greed, after partaking in a Faustian wager with Jonathan Moulton.
They are gold coins with the branding of Mammon's personal signature on either side, and were molded out of the fires of Hell.
The coins themselves are believed to be curse and rightfully so as well. For it is said that whoever touches the coins, gains an audience with Satan, and in the process they would find themselves be overcome with greed which destroys their lives and later have their houses burned down by Mammon.
Moulton was once a colonial general of the New Hampshire Militia, as well as being a hunter and one of the very few figures in history to ever outsmart Mammon. A pivotal moment that made him legendary was when his house burned down.
Legend states that he had made a Faustian deal with Mammon and had outsmarted him by saying that he would sell his soul to him if Mammon would fill his boots up with gold coins on the first of every month. Jonathan found the largest set of boots in all of the Province of New Hampshire.
The next month, Mammon returned to fill up the boots with gold, but no matter how many gold coins he poured in the boots they would not fill. Jonathan had cut off the soles of the boots and put the boots over a hole in the floor, and all the gold coins fell into the basement of the house. Mammon, after being outsmarted by Jonathan, burnt down his house in revenge. The gold coins disappeared, but they are said to be in possession by a group of hunters.