The Demonic Paradise Wiki

Metis was a Titan-goddess of wisdom from Greco-Roman mythology, who was the first wife of Zeus/Jove and mother of Athena/Minerva. She is also the mother of Invictus, the son that will overthrow Zeus, his father, in the Second Titan War.



Metis was in helping Zeus to overthrow Cronus/Saturn. She provided Zeus with a potion that would make Cronus sick and throw up his five other siblings, which would officially start the Titanomachy. After the titans were defeated, Zeus would marry Metis.

Devoured by Zeus[]

Metis soon got pregnant and Zeus was given a prophecy: she would give birth to a wise daughter and later a son, who would together overthrow him, much like he had overthrown Cronus, who in turn had overthrown Ouranos. Zeus decided to turn Metis into a fly and swallowed her. Within Zeus, Metis gave birth to Athena, for whom she crafted armour and weapons. The daughter would cause her father a painful headache. Zeus suffered and eventually Hephaestus/Vulcan to clove his head with open an axe, to release the pressure within, which set Athena.

Second Titan War[]

Metis herself is still within Zeus, never being able to give birth to the son, thus securing his eternal reign over the gods. At least, that is what Zeus believed, for despite avoiding fate, Metis is fated to bear a son stronger than his father once she is released from Zeus's gullet. He is also unaware of the fact that his own wife, Hera, will be the catalyst for his downfall which will trigger the impending Second Titanomachy.
