The Demonic Paradise Wiki

Mehmet is the werewolf elder of the Middle Eastern quarter who wields the Spirit of Anubis within his Bloodline Blade. He is a Supreme Tribe Father of werewolf society and the head of the Qutrub Tribe.


Mehmet is a dark skinned werewolf with several tattoos inscribed around his arm, neck, and back. He seems to wear traditional Middle Eastern garbs more fit for those of nobility or royalty. He also has the typical amber eyes of a werewolf. His hair is a blackish brown color, and appears to have rings around his pinky, ring, and index fingers. He also wears a gold necklace with a pendant of the Eye of Horus.


Mehmet is the pack leader of the the Qutrub Tribe of werewolves and one of the Supreme Tribe Fathers of all werewolf society. Like his fellow elders, he resides within some of the most remote regions of the Moroccan desert with his tribe.

Much of his early life is unknown though he appears to be of Berber nationality. His father was named Sharaman and implies that he and his father's tribe once fought against the Turok-Han as they terrorized the Persian empire as well as the Assamites, vampires under the reign of a Lasombra known as Haqim in the Middle East. In addition, he was also the one who rescued and trained Artemisia I of Caria despite the fact that she was human though he pitied her as she was a mere child at the time.

Mehmet is one of the more mystically enigmatic werewolves as he does not wish to associate himself with humans of any kind. He deeply cares for his children and people but looks down on those that mingle with mortals. While he hates humans, he would not go out of his way to actively kill them simply to satiate his hatred towards them. However, there are rumors that he was once even in love with the daughter of a Sultan in Baghdad but his father forbade it. Mehmet himself denies these claims. Most werewolves even admit that finding Mehmet's tribe is a near insurmountable task as the desert can be harsh and cruel to those with weak spirit and mind. According to Mehmet, those who would seek him, must conquer the 'demons of the wind and sand' that festers in their souls so as to be worthy to have an audience with him.


Mehmet comes off as a seemingly wise, calm, and generous sage-like individual. He treats those who meet with him as though they were his children or his pupils, never raising his voice but is nonetheless stern and firm when he needs to be. Mehmet has something of an enigmatic aura to him for when Miguel met up with him after many centuries, he noted that even after several hundred years he is unable to read his expressions. Mehmet displays facial expressions with intense spiritual focus but his voice does not come off as strained from such presumed concentration.

Mehmet is rather generous and kind as he offered Miguel a drink and food after traveling for three days to find him in the Moroccan desert only to pass out from exhaustion and the heat. His relationship with Miguel is unclear though he finds him to be the most "fascinating" among all the werewolves as Miguel would not only be the first werewolf elder to relinquish his position as elder in order to explore the world but the second to mingle with a human after Voula herself. Mehmet respects Miguel's power and authority, enough for him to accept his proposition of uniting all lycanthropes to aid in the coming battle against Lucifer and his apocalyptic forces.

However, while not expressively shown, the tone of his voice holds some form of disdain towards Miguel's blood-bound oath to a human. Mehmet, like most pure bloods, holds nothing but contempt for humans but he does not seek to actively kill them as they are to die by natural causes and not by those who wield the power to destroy them simply out of hate. Even so, he can show some measure of respect towards specific individual humans with one prime example being Ivan Romanov of the Order of the Silver Cross. He was curious as to how Romanov and his ancestors could tame one of the most powerful werewolves on Earth and more so as to why Miguel was so dedicated and loyal to the Romanovs.

