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The Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast.

Here's the short version. It makes them superhuman. Gives them superhuman strength, speed, agility, dexterity, and even healing. Their cells can divide fifty times faster when it comes to the last part. This is the peak of dark science, if you want to call it that. Although, I'm guessing by now in your experience it's not considered science. What do those religious folk call it again? "An abominable affront against God's creations"? I'm not all choir girl but given the side-effects this thing has, such as corroding specific neurons to the brain, I'll have to agree with them for once.
~ Ami Enan

The Mark of the Beast is a seal or sign given to by the Antichrist. It is said that the Beast of the Earth was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, whom is the Beast of the Sea, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.


The Antichrist will venture around the globe and begin to force all people, whether great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive the mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. It is believed that the number of the Beast is either 666 or 616. Some speculate that the New World Order will use microchip and barcode-technology as the mark during the End Times.

Those who have received the mark of the Beast are forever damned in pits of sulfur and brimstone and do not follow God. For those who have taken the mark are followers of the Beast, and even if they do not want to follow the Beast, they will be unable to fight an urge to battle alongside the monster.


When the mark of the Beast is branded upon those who commit sin, especially murderers, they are endowed with superhuman strength, speed, and agility. More alarmingly, they are also granted extraordinary healing and durability as they are capable of enduring multiple gunshots and powerful physical attacks. This in turn makes them quite a challenge for other supernatural beings such as werewolves and vampires and dangerous opponents for normal people. The sinners who are branded with the mark are capable of enhancing their power by acting out on what the mark instructs them to do implying that the mark has some form of sentience although it could mostly be due to the people who are branded have their sanity deteriorate.

The mark of the Beast is shown to have negative and horrid effects when branded on a human. Once given, it is nearly impossible to get rid of as it is said to be more addictive than any drug. It feeds upon the wants and desires of those who are branded with it with the victims even incessantly insisting that the they could hear the Mark talking to them which is a result of the victims being reduced to being nothing more than feral, mindless, and psychotic addicts for the mark. According to Ami Enan's research on the mark, she states that the mark seems to influence and corrode a very specific neurological receptor in the brain, where it controls thoughts, emotions and memory. It also drastically warps the biology of a human to the point where Ami discovered that it unlocks a 24th chromosome whereas regular humans only have 23.

