Makaria (or Macaria) is the goddess of a "blessed" death, the child of Hades and Persephone and sister to Zagreus and Melinoë.
She seems to have embodied a blessed death; the Suda connects her name to the figure of speech "be gone to blessedness," instead of misery or damnation, which may be euphemistic, in the way that the dead are referred to as "the blessed ones." She was perhaps a more merciful counterpart of the death-god Thanatos or else connected with the passage of souls to the Islands of the Blessed known as Nesoi Makarioi.
Makaria is the second born child of Hades and Persephone, the younger sister of Zagreus, older sister of Melinoë, and is the Goddess of Blessed Death. She was born shortly after Persephone's return to the Underworld and accepting her duties and responsibilities as the Queen of the Underworld.
As a death and Underworld goddess, her job is to reap the souls of the blessed and send them to the afterlife. She is not allowed to kill the souls of the damned, for this will violate her role as a goddess. Naturally, being a child of Hades and Persephone, she is an heir to the chthonic kingdom but unlike most hereditary methods of ruling, Makaria would rule alongside her siblings, claiming one or two regions of the Underworld as her own.
Makaria, even though she is the second eldest child, is shorter compared to her two siblings, who outgrew her when they reached their teenage years. Though she gives off the appearance of someone who is not up for conversation, she is quirky and would crack sarcastic remarks, and on rare occasions would even give genuine small smiles and jokes when she’s in a jovial mood.
However, she can be a tad irresponsible and even stubborn much like her brother, to where she would even resort to ignoring her royal duties as a princess and would sneak out to her private garden to roam around to dance, walk and train in private whenever she feels like she is overwhelmed by her responsibilities within the palace for too long. Even though she is a minor Goddess, she is still a powerful ally to her companions.