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The Demonic Paradise Wiki
Rsz lucifuge rofocale


Do you not see that everywhere you go is either a fragment of Darkness or Darkness itself? Darkness is the same as Light, it's everywhere and it's here for a purpose.
~ Lucifuge Rofocale

Lucifuge Rofocale, or simply Lucifuge, is the Prime Minister of Hell according to the Grand Grimoire, Lucifer granting him power over all worldly treasures along with control of the treasury in Hell along with Mammon.

He is also a member of the Six Great Officers. He counts the Goetic nobles Bael, Agares, and Barbas among his direct subordinates.

The Grimoire's initial spells (as in the ones that must be done before the magician can do anything else, or at least any other conjurations) require the magician to first bind Lucifuge to a pact, which involves a fair amount of risk on the magician's part--if he does not give Lucifuge a small portion of every treasure he attains, show charity to the poor, and keep the pact's existence a secret, Lucifuge can take his soul for himself.

When Lucifuge appears, he demands that in exchange for his services, the magician “give thyself over to me in fifty years, to do with thy body and soul as I please.” After more bargaining that involves threats from the magician to send him into eternal fire with the blasting rod, the demon agrees to appear twice a night except on Sundays and makes a written conditional pact with the magician.
