The Demonic Paradise Wiki

Hellboy as a King of Hell

The King of Hell or Queen of Hell, also known as Maou or Great Satan, is the title and the second highest position a demon, can hold over Hell with the first being Emperor.


The king of Hell can control the fate of any soul that goes to Hell and has such a high authority that he or she may even trade any number of souls in Hell as per their wish, as seen when Baal gave Azrael fifty thousand souls from the pit when the Devil unfairly acquired them through the use of deception and sabotage.

The King or Queen of Hell can also alter Hell's appearance and how it is run, as Mundus redesigned Hell following Lucifer's imprisonment and replaced the previous method of extreme physical torture with continuous queuing (which served as a psychological torture for all in Hell).


While other demons have ruled Hell previous to them, only Satan, Lucifer, Mundus, Dis, Mephistopheles, and Lilith have used this title to describe themselves with Satan being the first and true king of Hell. It is unknown how the King or Queen of Hell is elected. However, it may simply be that the most powerful demon takes power. In Mephistopheles's case, the Sons of Sparda had eliminated most of the other powerful demons (having to wait to be revived in Hell) who could be his contenders, before having defeated and re-imprisoned Dis back in the Ninth Circle of Hell.

Another method of acquiring this rank is that demons would fight amongst each other, in order to prove who is the strongest. This usually leads to a civil war in Hell, where the demons would follow one of their own that is considered the strongest. Should one demon come out on top constantly and prove that they are the most powerful, then they are elected as the king of the demon world. However, most rules of these demon kings may not last. Meaning that if the particular king of Hell is proving to not be an exceptional ruler, the denizens of Hell may rebel and dethrone the once ruler of the Inferno. As a result, another war could be incited between the demons.

It should be noted that there are two different types of Kings of Hell: the first said above while the second is apart of the 72 Pillars and is more of a noble title than royalty.

Known Kings of Hell/Queens of Hell[]
