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F% 3Fssli Robin Goodfellow-Puck 1787-1790

A hobgoblin

A hobgoblin is a mischievous household spirit, depending on the folklore involved, similar yet contrasting their more benign counterparts the Brownies.


The term “hobgoblin” comes from the English “Hob,” a nature spirit similar to Robin Goodfellow or Puck. The addition of “goblin” is meant to suggest that this version of the nature spirit is outstandingly ugly, as goblins are usually associated with twisted, ugly facial features. In English folklore, hobgoblins are generally harmless, but they can make a nuisance of themselves, since they enjoy practical jokes and pranks. 

Hobgoblins seem to be small, hairy little men who—like their close relative, brownies—are often found within human dwellings, doing odd jobs around the house while the family is lost in sleep. Such chores are typically small deeds, like dusting and ironing. Oftentimes, the only compensation necessary in return for these was food. Attempts to give them clothing would often banish them forever, though whether they take offense to such gifts or are simply too proud to work in new clothes differs from teller to teller.


Hobgoblins are malevolent sprites, who may harass people, lead them down the wrong path, or try to terrorize them. However, German hobgoblins retain the generally diminutive stature of their English counterparts, which is supposed to make them easier to defeat. This is not always the case, though, with some fairy tales describing hobgoblins which literally harry people to death, despite the small size of these creatures. They are also regarded as pests towards Halflings who deal with as a human would with rodents or insects inside their dwelling.

While brownies are more peaceful creatures, hobgoblins are more fond of practical jokes. They also seem to be able to shape-shift, as seen in one of Puck's monologues in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Robin Goodfellow is perhaps the most mischievous and most infamous of all his kind, but many are less antagonizing. However, like all of the fae folk, hobgoblins are easily annoyed. When teased or misused excessively, brownies and hobgoblins become boggarts—creatures whose sole existence is to play tricks and cause trouble for people. They can be mischievous, frightening, and even dangerous, and they are very difficult to get rid of. (Boggarts also tend to punish those who offend them and are often looking for justice.) 
