Gressil, also known as Gresel, is a demon who excels at possession. He is often regarded as one of the more unpleasant demons that priests have had the unfortunate fates of encountering.
Like the vast majority of his brethren, he was an angel from the order of the Thrones only to later join Lucifer's rebellion against Heaven and the Almighty but was defeated and cast out by the great archangel Michael. In the Pit, he helped with the construction of Pandemonium and was among the innumerable amount of fallen angels attending Lucifer's rally.
While the rest of his activities were unclear it is said that he found joy in causing suffering among mortals and would do so via possession. He was one of the seven demons that possessed the French nun Jeanne des Anges, alongside Leviathan, Behemoth, Ballam, Aman and Isacaaron. According to Sebastien Michaelis' classification of demons he is opposed by St. Bernard. Gressil once took possession of another nun in the modern day only to be exorcised and later killed by Dante but not before warning him, cryptically at that, of the impending fire.