The Final Conflict, also known as the Final Cataclysm, the Great Collapse, End-of-All-War, or War for Creation, was the culminating and cataclysmic battle for the fate of existence itself, fought among God and His creations such as the human race, angels, demons, monsters, gods, and primordials united against the Great Darkness and its full arsenal of Ogdru Jahad and Ogdru Hem.
The monumental yet undoubtedly incomprehensible scale of the battle makes the absolute largest and most titanic conflict of cosmic proportions in all of history. It is also marked as the one true final battle between God and the Great Darkness, where the light and the dark will once more do battle against the other with the fate of existence hanging in the balance. This war is the true and penultimate fate of the entire totality of the universe.
The war was said to have taken place at the "edge of creation", with God and Azathoth doing battle within the space that exists outside of the space of the observable universe. Moreover, it is said that Azathoth will take in Pralaya and Chaos into itself in order to become the true Great Darkness and to do battle with God for one final stand.
The true source of this war was none other than the Crawling Chaos himself, Nyarlathotep, having succeeded in his mission of bringing about all of creation and light into darkness through Chaos. After the many battles and conflicts throughout time and history was able to provide Nyarlathotep with the necessary components to free its creator, the Crawling Chaos' plan finally came to fruition when it managed to destroy the one thing that truly held the Void at bay and that being the Nihilo Mask. The Messenger of the Ogdru Jahad accomplished this through the usage of the many "components" as it states that were a resultant in the aftermaths of the many conflicts that have taken place throughout history and in the process, was able to create a seemingly all-powerful blade that had the potency to break Chaos and its masters' prison.
Beginning of the End[]
Before this was done, however, Nyarlathotep had to ensure that no one would be able to hinder his plans and thus manipulated certain moments and events that would divide and dissolve many, rendering them weak and unprepared. Eventually, Nyarlathotep revealed himself to the heroes and despite their best efforts were soundly defeated each time by the Crawling Chaos due to his unspeakably great and otherworldly power. Regardless, however, they have come close to pushing him back a few times during his crusade of freeing Yog-Sothoth, yet the Outer God prevailed in their battles and eventually resulted in the freedom of Yog-Sothoth. Nyarlathotep was able to use the material of the Right Hand of Doom from Hellboy to open the Gates of the Outerverse, which released Yog-Sothoth who used the Alpha Earth as a conduit to infest all of space-time within God and Asherah's circles of creation.
Nyarlathotep will be able to do this by plunging the Void Sword into the Alpha Earth as the blade is made up of the paranatural material from the Right Hand to open the Gates. Not only did this unleash Yog-Sothoth, but the dark properties of the blade added with Yog-Sothoth's incomprehensibly transcendent yet tainted existence led to the formation of the Anti-Life Equation where Nyarlathotep would use it to subdue all life in existence including the Ogdru Hem with him ruling supreme while Yog-Sothoth would be his own "multiverse". Meanwhile, the Ogdru Hem are unleashed and ravage the Earth, which caused Liz Sherman to ignite and reduce the world into ash and the many great organizations that helped save the world from such threats, the many once great pantheon of gods, the light of Heaven dim and snuffed out, Hell falling into absolute chaos, and all that once held together the balance fall into ruin.
While usually not interfering in the affairs of His creations, this is the one time where God actually takes up arms seeing that His "twin" will consume all that He has wrought. While at first it was hopeless, as the Sons of Sparda, alongside Lucifer and Michael, and the majority of their allies were unable to thwart Nyarlathotep's plans saw the oncoming death of all things, God was able to bring back and empower the many individuals and beings that were disposed of by Nyarlathotep's machinations or the latter himself directly before heading off for His one final battle against the Darkness. Dante, Vergil, Lucifer, and Michael led the armies to battle against the Great Darkness' forces, with the former consisting of Heaven, Hell, monsters, gods, and humans. All that they have fought alongside with, have fought against only to befriend, all that were thought to have perished, brought back for one final task.
The War for Creation[]
The humans and monsters fought the forces of the Old Ones with the demons and angels against the Million Favored Ones, the gods fought against the Old Ones alongside the archangels, whilst the primordials did battle with the Ogdru Jahad. The many great battles between the opposing forces of light and dark constantly shifted throughout reality due to Yog-Sothoth infecting space-time into prime existence. The war reached its peak when a clash between God and the Great Darkness caused the very space that held the innumerable amounts of multiverses that the fight was held in to collapse on itself and created Big Crunch with the many observable universes collapsing into a singularity through the force of the attack between God and the Great Darkness.
Unification and Perfect Duality[]
At the climax of the battle, the Great Darkness was flabbergasted as to how this was even possible with God telling it that despite all its power it always failed to grasp the concept of hope. The Great Darkness attempts to rebut by stated that He has lost everything and that His creations lost faith in Him and God actually agrees that while this may be true, His creations never lost faith in themselves and therein lies the crux of what the Great Darkness fails to understand until now is that it should never underestimate humanity's potential for evolution and that with hope they can do extraordinary things that will bring light to darkness. That is why He endowed them with "His will". The Great Darkness, in a state of shock, finally understood and instead of lashing out, was instead content to be enveloped by God, unifying as one and brought everything back to balanced darkness and matter.
Everything that ever was would restart by compressing the energies of seemingly hundreds of Big Bangs and have it bloom like a flower, restarting and returning everything, everyone, and every place that has perished. At the end of it all, it was not in vain as all that is in creation is in perfect harmony and balance with no further conflicts that threaten the end of everything to be worried about. Furthermore, good and evil are now in perfect complementary dualism, as good cannot flourish without evil and evil cannot flourish without good. The two fundamental forces of what makes 'being' balance each other out harmoniously with neither one threatening existence as a whole.
- It is unknown how the entirety of existence would truly end along with what comes after. What is known are only its beginnings.
- The Final Conflict is called the Dagor Dagorath by the fae, Ragna Rok by witches, and Anung Un Rama, Urush Un Rama by Grigori Rasputin.
- Calvin Bloom and Elaine Belloc are believed to become the new Supreme Beings of all existence. For before the war overall, God and Asherah transferred all that They were and are into Calvin and Elaine, ensuring that should They ever perish, Their power and being will bloom into the former Nephilim and effectively making them the new Supreme Beings of all things.
- After God and Asherah's beings and powers were transferred into Calvin and Elaine respectively, it is argued that both Calvin and Elaine are now effectively God and Asherah who 'reincarnated' through them.