Eye of Truth.
The Eye of Truth, or Satan's Eye of Providence, is a tool used by the Great Dragon himself. It is classified as a third eye that is located on the Devil's forehead and characterized by a ripple-like pattern that spreads over the eyeball, with a red sclera and irides and a pentagram symbol etched on the iris itself.
The eye manifested shortly after Satan was cast down from Heaven alongside the angels and Lucifer himself that rebelled against God. While Satan is usually seen with two eyes by the denizens of Hell, he is interpreted as having three eyes and three heads in modern literature and the past. However, it is revealed that the third eye is not merely a symbol but an actual ability of Satan.
According to Lucifer, the Eye of Truth allows Satan to "split the fabric of reality," which means he is capable of tearing the boundaries between the human world and the supernatural world. The 'lies' that cover the truth from all.
Powers and Abilities[]
The Eye of Truth, once activated, allows Satan to be in total control of the environment and his surroundings. In his words, he becomes the "God of this World", a nod towards one of his epithets as the Prince of this World. When activated, Satan becomes the master of reality itself and can perform various abilities with this. He can turn back or speed up time, be it a millisecond or even a century. He is also capable of manipulating the minds of others and forcing them to see what he wishes them to see whatever he deems fit.
Satan, however, only activates this power when faced with a worthy opponent and one that rivals him in terms of power. Many demons stated that it is exceedingly rare for their King to use this technique, but once activated, his opponents do not live to see it again. The only demon able to live through it was Sparda and later his sons. It is said that the Eye is also a way for Satan to manipulate humans, turning them away from God and their faith.
The only known way to counter the effects of the Eye is with one who wields the Eyes of God which are capable of exposing and then bringing down the illusionary effects of the Eye of Truth. Another method to counter the effects of the Eye is by using the Yamato, a sword wielded by Vergil that is capable of cutting through the space of reality itself, and with it Vergil could cut through the illusions of the Eye.