Erzsebet Báthory
Countess Erzsebet Báthory, also pronounced as Elizabeth Báthory, was a Hungarian noblewoman and vampire from the family of Báthory, who owned land in the Kingdom of Hungary (now Slovakia). After being reborn as a vampire she ascended to become the self-proclaimed "vampire queen" in service to her goddess.
Erzsebet is seen as a beautiful vampiress that is gigantic in height, towering over everyone, with the tallest known individuals only reaching her chest. She has pale skin and pointed ears like all vampires. She also has red hair she wears in an onion shaped bun. She has red eyes and uses crimson lipstick that perfectly combines with the color of both her hair and eyes.
Proper of her title of self-proclaimed "queen", she can always be seen attired in the most lavish clothes, such as an elaborated golden armor complete with golden long gloves and headpiece, accompanied with an extravagantly long white gown, as well as a blue royal dress with crimson details and long risen neck flaps. She also seems to sport an ornate red gem that is embedded in her chest,
Báthory was a beautiful Hungarian Countess who became obsessed with maintaining her beauty, so much so she began to murder several hundred young girls and then bathed in their blood, believing that it would keep her youthful and vibrant forever. Eventually, she would come upon the knowledge of Morgan Le Fay and discovered that not only is she descendant from Morgan but that the latter was worshipped as a vampiric goddess by various vampire cults. Seeing her lineage being tied to such an entity gave Erzsebet the opportunity to keep her vitality but also extrapolate her power throughout Europe with grand delusions of being a 'messiah'.
Erzsebet would study tirelessly on ways of resurrecting Morgan Le Fay, even requesting aid from the Weird Sisters, who not only showed her how to release Morgan Le Fay from her prison but also make contact with her. However, in December 1610, the Hungarian King heard rumors about Erzsebet's satanic blood worship and ordered Count George Turzo to investigate. After finding thousands of drained bodies in the basement, he confined Erzsebet to a room of her castle that only had slits for air and food. Desperate, she sought to escape her fate by summoning the Red Queen in a puddle of her own blood to which the Red Queen appeared much to the Countess's delight.
She struck a bargain with the Red Queen who turned her into a powerful vampire, and also become her high priestess, in exchange for being Morgan's vessel. Reborn as an undead, she murdered the guards that confined her in her own castle then continued to murder more than a thousand younger women and bath with their blood for centuries in willing sacrifice to her malevolent patron. In addition, these young women would be sent out by Báthory to spread plagues and calamities that causes civilization to fall into disarray and turmoil.
Revolutionary Calamities[]
Soon, a cult would rise centered around her where she would be revered as a goddess, and through her the Red Queen will bring forth an age of darkness and blood as vampires would take into their indulgences to their heart's content. One calamity in particular that Erzsebet took delight in were the Lukh witch trials in Russia and during the late 1600s, having been presumably instigated by her most loyal follower Drolta Tzuentes to both hasten the rise of the Red Queen but also eliminate any Speaker residing in Russia that could pose a threat to her plans.
Regardless, her activities would draw the attention of the Belmont Clan which forced Erzsebet to take more measures to ensure that they too would not hinder her plans, among of which is using the fear and dread sprung forth from the Salem Witch Trials, having her followers manipulate the populace of presumed witches that could resist her and also see to the destruction of the Belmonts by the very people they swore to protect; Báthory was said to have had the residents of Massachusetts become vampires and attack the Belmonts living there and upon killing them would make the human residents label them as criminals. From there, the Belmont lineage would be at an extreme risk due to the number of powerful vampires sent out to extinguish them with many Belmonts gaining victory yet suffer tremendous losses.
The calamities spread by Erzsebet resulted in the Atlantic Revolutions with a particular one that held the final preparations for Erzsebet's plans, the infamous French Revolution which occurred during the late 1700s, from there she also learned from her spies and followers that the last "ingredient" of resurrecting Morgan Le Fay awaits. The Belmont clan were also near extinct save for Richter Belmont who was hid by one of the last surviving Cathari, Tera, from Erzsebet and her forces. In the dark, Erzsebet would ensure her followers would continue to inflict her reign of terror in her name as she awaits for any news regarding the "man who breaks the oath through the heart's blood" which is purported to be the final seal that would allow Morgan Le Fay to finally be unleashed unto the world.
Erzsebet Báthory could be seen as the embodiment of vanity, sadism, and malice. Haughty, proud, and extremely arrogant, her appearence & presence is coiled around incredible self-obsession; like sulfuric acid turned into humanoid shape. Erzsebet is borderline obsessed with her own beauty and is thus extremely narcissistic. Often choosing young women and children as her victims, lovers or sick playthings, the former being more frequent due to using their blood to maintain her beauty while the latter sates her bloodlust and inflated sense of charm. Her obsession with beauty often results in the rare encounter of her not killing one who possesses extraordinary beauty but instead offers to give them eternal life to maintain it so as it stare at it forever such as she tried to do with Maria. Báthory make her victims succumb to a perverse and unholy temptation that has severe metaphysical consequences for them.
Báthory is also extremely sadistic in where she takes measures to ensure her victims stay alive and conscious for days to feed on them every once in a while. When she no longer has any use for them, the blood countess would drain them of their blood to bathe in it. Every factor of Erzsebet's life, such as her livelihood as a noble that spanned many years, general contempt for humans except for her fellow blood relatives due to being hardened by them, and so forth, all pushed the former human noble into a bizarre killer. Cruel & unhinged, she also took pleasure in inflicting visceral and psychological torture on anyone impeding her goals, especially the likes of Lawrence Reid, whose selfless morals she greatly despised and tended to mock. In addition, Báthory was an extremely manipulative woman, willing to cross any lines in order to extort fealty from those unwilling to join her cause such as when she threatened to kill Lawrence's daughter Iris if he did not comply and even break his morals.
After learning of Morgan Le Fay and her role in bringing forth a "paradise of blood and darkness", Erzsebet harbored a severe megalomaniacal messiah complex, wholly believing that as the high priestess of the Red Queen, she is the mouthpiece of the goddess and must be spoken to as such. In short, Báthory's higher calling only made her delusional with blind pride, begetting a god complex to where she was completely drunk with power.
Powers and Abilities[]
Upon being sired by the Red Queen, Erzsebet not only was reborn as a vampire but one that possesses extraordinary levels of superhuman physical prowess that surpasses most of the other members of her species. Her abilities were only further enhanced upon learning and mastering various forms of dark magic in thanks to the teachings of the Weird Sisters. Erzsebet's immense power have allowed her to rightfully claim the title of "vampire queen". Although, Erzsebet still retains the same weaknesses as any vampire for she cannot step into sunlight nor tolerate holy weaponry. In addition, her arrogance would lead to her downfall for she was so sure of her superiority over her enemies she does not take into account that they can collaborate effectively to take her down.
Despite not having to exert efforts herself personally, Erzsebet's power is still not to be underestimated for she can command a horde of vampires, many of whom are highly powerful in their own right and would not dare move against or question Erzsebet in the slightest. Her reputation has garnered fear from those who know of her, including powerful Speakers like Tera who trembled at the thought of encountering Erzsebet, even the mighty Juste Belmont of the Belmont family displayed slight apprehension when learning of Erzsebet as the true catalyst behind the calamities that plague the Atlantic.
Erzsebet is an incredibly powerful dark magic user, capable of manipulating a rare and old darkness magic. Her magic was potent enough to where Annette and Tera's abilities were akin to insects by comparison. When she was finally confronted by Richter Belmont and his compatriots, Erzsebet proved herself an immensely powerful combatant without needing to exert physical effort for a prolonged period of time. She mainly used her darkness magic during combat via manifesting spheres of dark energy that encircle her in a ring from behind. She can manipulate the properties and uses of these dark orbs such as launching them as high-speed projectiles, expanding to enormous sizes in an instant, and also unleash blasts of lightning. They are also shown to malleable in a way as Erzsebet can use them to summon a shield that deflects Richter and Maria's powerful magic attacks and even weaponry when she used one of the orbs to elongate and expand into a bladed weapon made out of pure dark energy.
Upon absorbing the essence of the Red Queen, Erzsebet's powers skyrocket and grant her additional abilities. In this form, she is shown to be near-unstoppable evidenced when she casually brushed off the strongest attacks from Richter, Maria, and Juste. Even with Sparda's aid Erzsebet in her Red Queen form was highly formidable with Sparda acknowledging that it is similar to when he fought Dracula alongside Trevor and Sypha. Her magic is also increased to remarkable levels and has the ability to control and manipulate blood in nearly every facet of her arsenal, even condensing her blood to where she gathers massive amounts to create meteorites of crystallized blood. However, according to Sparda, since Erzsebet was newly taken as a host for Morgan Le Fay she is learning how to harness and hone her abilities which gave them the advantage to overwhelm her. However, Juste added that they needed to dispose of her quickly since Erzsebet would learn how to utilize her power perfectly in a short span. Erzsebet's blood has shown to be poisonous. It takes effect fairly quickly and drains its victim's stamina, causing them to find themselves short of breath.