The Demonic Paradise Wiki

I'm simply fulfilling my duty as one who lords over the dead. And like any of the other responsible chthonic deities I take my duties with the utmost seriousness. Therefore, when a soul enters my realm they do NOT leave my realm. You would be wise to learn and remember that, Ishtar.
~ Ereshkigal

Ereshkigal, also known as Irkalla and Allatu, is an ancient Mesopotamian queen of the dead and goddess of the underworld, Irkalla. Her name translates as 'Queen of the Great Below' or 'Lady of the Great Place'.


In myth, Ereshkigal was the only one who could pass judgment and give laws in her kingdom. The main temple dedicated to her was located in Kutha. She freely wields a spear-like cage; at times stabbing the enemy with it, at times imprisoning souls, at times summoning lightning, she is the fearsome ruler of the underworld. In some versions of the myths, Ereshkigal rules the Underworld by herself, but in other versions of the myths, Ereshkigal rules alongside a husband subordinate to her named Gugalana.



Aside from being a goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal also presided over the growth and decay of crops, bent the dragons and snakes to her will, and freely controlled the Garula familiars of the underworld. Ereshkigal strictly rules over the dark and gloomy world of Irkalla from her palace called Ganzir which was set at the entrance of Kur with a tight security of 7 gates guarded by her servant Neti. Moreover, Ereshkigal has an antagonistic rivalry with her sister Ishtar but mainly since the goddess more often than not brought nothing but misery upon Ereshkigal.

Ishtar's Descent into the Underworld[]

In the tale of Ishtar's descent, Ereshkigal would mourn the loss of her husband Gugalanna when he was sicked by Ishtar upon Gilgamesh and Enkidu after the demigod refused Ishtar's sexual advances. Ishtar was ordered by her parents to visit Ereshkigal and pay her respects since she was the catalyst behind Gugalanna's death. However, Ishtar mainly descended down to Irkalla in order to expand her power there, hoping to gain advantage over Ereshkigal's fragile mental state.

Ereshkigal, already being grief stricken and left alone, was disgusted when her servant Neti informed her of Ishtar's arrival. Ereshkigal ordered him to bolt the gates, and one by one she would be stripped her garments of power at each gate until she arrives naked before Ereshkigal much to Ishtar’s confusion and rage. Ereshkigal then unleashed her full fury upon Ishtar, inflicting her with countless diseases and hanging her lifeless corpse upon a meat hook on her palace wall.

Conflict with Nergal[]

Once, the gods held a banquet that Ereshkigal, as queen of the Underworld, could not come up to attend. They invited her to send a messenger, and she sent her vizier Namtar in her place. He was treated well by all, but for the exception of being disrespected by Nergal, who did not rise to him. As a result of this, Ereshkigal demanded Nergal to be sent to the underworld to atone.

In a version, Nergal travels to the underworld along with fourteen demons. When he arrives, the gatekeeper Neti gets orders from Ereshkigal to allow him through the seven gates, stripping him of everything until the throne room, where he would be killed. But at each gate, Nergal posts two demons. When he gets to the throne he knocks over Namtar and drags Ereshkigal to the floor. He is about to kill her with his ax when she pleads for her life, promising her as his wife and to share her power with him. He consents. However, Nergal must still leave the underworld for six months, so Ereshkigal gives him back his demons and allows him to traverse the upper world for that time, after which he returns to her. This myth shows how war is fought in season.

In later tradition, Nergal travels under the advice of Enki, who warns him not to sit, eat, drink or wash while in the underworld, as well as not to have sex with Ereshkigal. However, although respecting all the other warnings, Nergal succumbs to the temptation and lies with the goddess for six days. At the seventh, he escapes back to the upper world, which makes Ereshkigal upset. Namtar is then sent to bring Nergal back, but Enki disguises him as a lesser god and Namtar is fooled. Ereshkigal ultimately realizes the deception and demands Nergal to return again. This time Nergal returns by himself, dethroning her violently. They then lie together again for another six days. Afterwards, Nergal is made Ereshkigal's husband.

