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Dante DT concept DMC5

Dante's Devil Trigger.

If you're a demon and you see this, you know you've screwed up. This is Dante's "gettin' it done" look. He may only be half demon, but when that half is the blood of Sparda, that's some high-octane gas you're working with. Most full demons don't stand a chance. Not only can he move faster and hit harder than anything else in the room, his wounds heal up in a flash. This is the full demon-killin' package.
~ Nico

A Devil Trigger is a special power possessed by demons and demonic hybrids such as cambions which allows them to release their full supernatural potential.


When a demon or demonic hybrid shifts into their true demonic form, it does not always remain in the same appearance. As time passes and the demon ages, the appearance of the Devil Trigger begins to change along with them. However, this change of appearance also means a shift into a demon's power level, for when a demon grows so do their power, and thus their Devil Trigger as well.

The Devil Trigger can vary from demon to demon, meaning that while a Devil Trigger is an ability where a demon unleashes their power in order to assume their true form, the current form that they reveal is not exactly their complete demonic form. This means that once a Devil Trigger is active, the amount of demonic energy that is being released only shows the being's partial demonic form, and not its full one


While in Devil Trigger, the demonic being will assume their true form. In this form, many of one's physical and magical attributes are amplified, similar to the angel's Celestial Spark but being its opposite. The Devil Trigger can also provide with additional abilities such as flying and blasts of otherworldly energy.

It is possible that one's Devil Trigger can be restrained via certain procedures. If a demon's power proves to be too overwhelming, they can wear magical seals that restrict them from using certain amplified magical attributes and physical ones as well. Moreover, depending on how powerful the demon is, the release of their demonic power can cause tremendous damage to, or even warp, the environment. While a Devil Trigger appears to be advantageous, it is also dangerous. As a demon who remains in their Devil Trigger for too long, the immense power that is exerting from them may corrupt their mind and force them to turn on their comrades, which is why they must be experienced with using this transformation.

Other foreign demons such as Oni or Yōkai also possess a Devil Trigger of their own, known as the Yōkai Burst, and can also vary in appearance and power depending on the type of Yōkai.
