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The Demonic Paradise Wiki

Craven Edge

Craven Edge, also known as the Black Blade, is a two-handed greatsword once wielded by Sylas Briarwood and then by the werebear Björn. It was presumably destroyed only to have it end up in the hands of Ladd Russo, a member of the Illuminati.


Craven Edge is a large, onyx, two-handed greatsword with a bandaged guard that seems to bear the face of a demonic figure with horns curving downward. The pommel is spiked the handle is a dark magenta.


Crave Edge is a sentient blade that constantly seeks the thrill of battle and thrives off the blood of its victims. It is said that whosoever wields Craven Edge will be driven by a lust to feed it the blood of their opponents thus enhancing the strength of the blade and themselves.

Given the properties of Craven Edge it both blesses and curses those who wield it with incredible power, power stemming to incredible might and physical resilience to injury. The longer one withholds the mystic steel, the greater its murderous influence becomes over the host. As indicated by the way said blade garbs its wearers in oriental garments and armor over time they withhold it in their possession.
