The Demonic Paradise Wiki

Bugul Noz

The Bugul Noz ("Night Shepherd") is a fae-like being in Breton beliefs who lives in the woodlands of Brittany. He is the last of his kind and is considered by other creatures to be incredibly ugly, which causes him great distress.


His appearance is so awful that even woodland animals avoid him, and he sometimes cries out to warn others nearby of his approach, so that he won't frighten them as he approaches. He is sometimes called the Night Shepherd because he dwells in forests late at night, where it is known that danger lurks.

However, the Bugul Noz is not malicious, and is indeed, rather kind and gentle; but he is always alone because of his hideous visage. So hideous is he that occasionally, those who look upon him die instantly.

According to the claims of a Hunter, during one of his travels he encountered the entity known as the Bugul Noz. Rather than a malevolent spirit to be feared, the hunter described him as a benevolent Monster who uses his horrific appearance to warn human beings, by his coming, that night is not made for lingering in the fields or on the roads, but for shutting oneself in behind closed doors and going to sleep. The Hunter is quoted as saying:

This shepherd of the shades would then be, taken all together, a kind of good shepherd. It is to ensure our rest and safety, to withdraw us from excesses of toil and the snares of night, that he compels us, thoughtless sheep, to return quickly to the fold.