The Demonic Paradise Wiki

Ya'akov001 Ya'akov001 22 days ago

Xra'mban, Language Angelical, and other stuff.

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DaemonTheDemon DaemonTheDemon 1 August

Backgrounds for the Silver Cross werewolves so I don't forget

  • 1 Luca
    • 1.1 Appearance
    • 1.2 Overview
  • 2 Chiquita
    • 2.1 Appearance
    • 2.2 Overview
  • 3 Olivia
    • 3.1 Appearance
    • 3.2 Overview
  • 4 Beth Quinn
    • 4.1 Appearance
    • 4.2 Overview
  • 5 Kervyn and Egor
    • 5.1 Appearance
    • 5.2 Overview
  • 6 Han
    • 6.1 Appearance
    • 6.2 Overview
  • 7 Raze
    • 7.1 Appearance
    • 7.2 Overview

Luca is a pack member of Miguel's pack, an agent of the Order of the Silver Cross, and the mate of fellow pack member Olivia.

Luca was a werewolf of Italian descent with sandy blonde hair and the typical amber eyes of a werewolf. He stood roughly five feet and ten inches tall and his attire consisted of a navy dark blue shirt with black pants and boots. In his werewolf form, Luca stood around seven to eight feet tall and had reddish brown fur.

Luca was the third werewolf to join the Order of the Silver Cross after Miguel.…

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Blueminx Blueminx 27 July

Using ID titles for inspiration for The Demonic Paradise

I have noticed that in some articles on the Demonic Paradise Wiki, there is images and lore, and even one character (B.J. Blascowicz of Wolfenstein fame) from ID software games. Cain's article even says he's the Doom Slayer. So, I'm thinking, we could take more ID Software game lore, and modify it so that it fits into the world of The Demonic Paradise. Like, say, the monsters from Quake 1 are the servants of the Ogru Jahad, the world from the Rampage games is an alternate universe, Ranger, the main protagonist of the original Quake, was part of a GOC task force to take down enemy Quake, is the sole survivor of the task force, but destroys the Avatar of Shub-Niggurath that orchestrated the attacks, the UAC is one of many corporations that h…

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DaemonTheDemon DaemonTheDemon 19 May

Future Characters and Teams

  • United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition: A substituent organization of the United Nations and categorized as a subsidiary of the Global Occult Coalition. It was created as a response to the growing threat of international terrorism regarding attacks revolving around bioterrorism (Sarkic) and cyberterrorism (Mekhanite).
    • FOXHOUND/BLOODHOUND: An elite black ops or task force unit and a sub-division of counterterrorism against bio-weapons. Sent to pursue, apprehend, or eliminate facilities that deal in the the illegal trading and bioengineering of Alterbeasts and genetically enhanced soldiers. Are also utilized to track down and eliminate Alterbeasts that have escaped or possibly detain them. BLOODHOUND is composed of Logan, Laura, and Gabby.
      • Lo…
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DaemonTheDemon DaemonTheDemon 16 May

Villains and Motives (So I don't forget in the future)

  • Steven Armstrong: Senator Armstrong creates a series of political strifes via his own private military company World Marshal Inc. in countries in order for Project Insight to be greenlit by the United Nations. Project Insight is an algorithm revolving around an AI capable of penetrating cyber-security and predicting probable futures to detect potential enemies of the country. Upon hacking into a Russian submarine known as Sevastopol to disable it's cloaking tech, the AI becomes corrupted by the Major who is also being puppeteered by AM. Armstrong, in league with the Major, opted to bring America back to what it once was and would do this by having the AI control the Armored Gears.
  • The Major: The leader of the Thule Society's Millenium division …
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DaemonTheDemon DaemonTheDemon 8 December 2023

Hellboy in Hell (saved for future purposes)

Hellboy arrives in the outer edges of Hell, where he is greeted by Eligos, one of the Dukes of Hell, who seeks to steal the Right Hand of Doom from him. Hellboy is luckily saved by Sir Edward Grey, an English paranormal investigator and hunter, who was dragged to Hell decades ago by the demon Amdusias. Grey guides Hellboy away from outer edges towards the center, where the cambion meets the condemned soul of a female vampire he had dispatched back in the 1950's. The vampire herself, who unbeknownst to Hellboy is possessed by Nyarlathotep, continues to lead Hellboy deeper into Hell, following the river Styx until they arrive at the Lake of Fire, which surrounds Pandemonium.

Hellboy, who has lost all interest in continuing further, wants to j…

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MemoryAngel MemoryAngel 19 April 2021


So why does this wiki mix Catholicism with the Cthulhu Mythos just curious. Like for instance God’s page mentions Azathoth being his opposite somehow, even though I haven’t heard of any such thing lol

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Ute1730 Ute1730 6 April 2020

The Archangel Micharl

"At that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book." - Daniel, Chapter 12

"The most powerful of the angels? The one who defeated most of the Great Old Ones? You mean my brother Michael, he is the one bound me to... this, the ancient abyss, the only place where you get stripped of God's word. Listen worm, i don't care if you call him here, in fact, i'd be glad if you did, i'd love a little family reunion." - Lucifer

Michael is an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition. He is vie…

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Ute1730 Ute1730 6 April 2020

The Archangel Lucifer

"I was once the highest of my father's angels, God loved me the most, then God created.... you, the little cockroaches, God ordered all of the angels to bow down to you but i said "father i cannot, these beings are flawed, murderous" then he ordered my brother, the Archangel Michael to banish me, Michael pinned me down and called me a freak, then i fell.... into the abyss, with my brother Satanel, my dead will soon arrive.... in the end times.... but not before i drag as many of you down with me."

"I fell from grace trying to prove a point. I was banished for eternity in the lowest pits of the Abyss, for trying to show my brethren and my beloved Father on how flawed and murderous you humans are. And in the end, what do they do? They shun me…

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ParasiticCarroll ParasiticCarroll 24 August 2018

Abaddon vs. Belial?

In a fight, who would win, between Abaddon, the demon of destruction, and Belial, the personification of darkness? 

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Lord Dalek Lord Dalek 28 May 2015


Demonic (Language)

This thing is almost done.

Unless you guys can spell out 2500 words from English, some from every letter, for me, this will take months to organize. 

So, that's all.


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