Barqan, also known as Barqan Abu al-'Adja'yb (Arabic: "Two Lightnings, Father of Wonders"), is one of the Djinn Kings of Jinnestan.
Barqan is often dubbed as the Black King therefore he is depicted as a demonic being comprised entirely out of a black, smokey substance. Some Islamic mystics state that his skin is as black and burns like charcoal.
Barqan, also known as the 'Black King', is the King of Mercury (‘Uthoorid) and the ruler of Wednesday. He is associated with the color blue, and the metal brass.
He was the lord of Carnelian, and the Castle of Gold, and under his rule were five hill-strongholds that housed five hundred thousand Marids. It is said that the reason his rulership over Carnelian was revoked was due to his carelessness of not overseeing the Marid because of their dangerously supreme power and rebelliousness. This led to a culling of the five hundred thousand Marids by Iblis' order though Barqan, pleading with Iblis, was spared and instead given rulership over a region in Jinnestan.
He was one of the few kings that worshipped Iblis whom his tribe revere as the Fire. He is monitored by the angel Michael. His talisman is elaborate and also his helpers are quite extraordinary. He teaches the evil jinn all about magic and how to harm humans with it, making him one of the many utterly malevolent djinn that is actively seeking to harm and destroy humanity.