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Arrow Demon

The time is drawing near! Soon, the sky will be blackened by the arrows of my brethren, soon, your pride will be eclipsed by fear!
~ Yuyan, General of the Arrow Demons

Do you know why we prefer the Arrows of Ichorid? It is because unlike all other arrows, the more we shoot into you, the longer it takes you to die.
~ Yuyan, General of the Arrow Demons

Arrow Demons are some of the deadliest demons of Hell. Although dangerous on their own, their true power comes into play when working in groups, whether it be against other demons or mortal beings.


Arrow demons are deceptively strong despite their emaciated appearance, humanoid in build and possess four muscular arms which they use to simultaneously wield two large longbows with deadly expertise. Despite being not much taller than an above average human, their legs are long and wiry with four-jointed toes that clench onto the area where they stand, firmly rooting them to the ground.

Possibly more than any other race of demon, arrow demons understand the virtue of teamwork. They know they are outmatched by a variety of other demons when it comes to raw power, and as such generally bide their time under the command of some more powerful demonic entity. However, when in large enough numbers, arrow demons know that they were instrumental enough to their masters' plans that they can challenge demons normally above their station.

The Reign of Ten Thousand Arrows[]

Because of their dependency on group status to survive, arrow demons believe making themselves useful is their best road to longevity. While this philosophy of group survival could be mistaken for the altruism commonly seen in humans, the unity Arrow Demon's engaged in came from a cruel, cold-hearted source, a desire to defile concepts like hope and goodness and tear heaven asunder.

Many arrow demons believe in a day of reckoning for all the other demon races as well, a day when the arrow demon's will grow to be so numerous that they will blacken the sky with the rainfall of their arrows, impaling every last non-arrow demon and blanket the lands of hell in death. In preparation this day, arrow demon's are known to scour the abyssal realms in search of the deadliest poison's and most toxic river's of the underworld. Upon finding them, arrow demons will dip their arrowheads into the foul liquids to imbue them with powerful necrotic magic; demons who accrue the most lethal and versatile of arrow's will rank higher among their kind, both out of respect and fear.

Demonic Arrow

Ichorid Arrows, also known as Arrows of Suffering

The Arrow Trade[]

Arrow Demon's are infamous in hell for their vast collections of enchanted arrows forged in all regions of hell. It is said that arrow demons use arrows as a form of currency, but tend to only trade with other member of their race. However, throughout history mortal warriors have sought out the marksmen demons in search of weapons capable of piercing their foes, and in return have paid a high price to acquire the powerful arrows that Arrow demons possess.

Some of the arrows most commonly used by Arrow Demons include:

  • Styxian Arrows, known for corroding and decaying anything hit by them.
  • Abyssal Arrows, induces temporary blindness in those who are hit.
  • Dismal Arrows, induces overwhelming sadness in those who are hit.
  • Dagonic Arrows, induces a temporary sensation of drowning in those who are hit.
  • Silver Arrows, used by Arrow Demons to counter Werebeasts and Vampires.
  • Hellfire Arrows, objects that are hit immediately become engulfed in flames.
  • Chaos Arrows, known to indude a temprary madness in those hit by them.
  • Ichorid Arrows, induces a temporary immortality causing those who are hit to endure greater levels of pain and suffer even longer before dying. These are rumored to be the preferred arrows of the Arrow Demons.