Argent energy contained inside a Requiem facility
Argent, also known as Nether or Argent Energy, is an energy source that is mined from Hell. The element is innately tied to that realm and its demonic inhabitants. It is also considered to be the demonic counterforce of Aether as Argent is present within all demons native to Hell.
Argent is a potent energy source that originated from Hell and was first discovered and realized by Belphegor and Mammon. Argent was created by the two kings which involves a process of condensing and refining ichor (angel blood) and infernum (Hell's essence) together to create Argent.
This demonic element would be used as a limitless supply of renewable energy that powers Hell's very infrastructure and contraptions. Moreover, Argent also had a pivotal hand in warping Hell's environment, transforming it into a seemingly endless maze of confusion and liminal horror; Mammon claims that this was a chemical reaction of the Argent energy's contact with Necroplasm.
Argent would be used for a variety of purposes with the most prominent is the creation of the beherit, powerful demonic stones forged by the seven princes themselves with the purpose of granting a human that has earned their favor into a powerful apostle. Argent has also found its use by mortals for nefarious purposes, these particular mortals were disgraced mages known as Devil Forgemasters who were equivalent to Necromancers. Forgemasters are able to utilize Argent energy by gathering and crushing condensed crystalized shards of destroyed demons. Then during an alchemical process can imbue a tool with raw Argent energy that allows them to extract the essence of a demon by having it materialize in a human body.
Argent having a role in transforming a human into a demonic creature like a Shaliah also ties into its components, among of which is infernum which is made from the tortured souls of mortals, either those whom were evil, corrupt, or tainted by sin. However, while the process of transmogrifying a human soul into a demonic one takes centuries, the use of Argent when properly condensed to maintain stability allows those who wield it to empower themselves with an immense upsurge of power.
Almost all demons native to Hell utilize Argent to where it has become part of their very being similar to how Aether is used by angels. When a demon's physical body is destroyed, the Argent that is innate within them consumes their being and bursts into small crystalized shards that "supercools" when exposed to the Earthly plane. These shards, also known as Argent Shards, also exhibit different colorations with each color containing a certain element that makes up a demon. Examples include Red Argent which are the crystallized blood of demons, Green Argent consisting of the crystallized fluids of demons, or White Argent consisting of the crystallized tears and spirit of demons.