Anuket, also known as Anaka, Anqet or Anukis, was an Egyptian goddess of the cataracts of the Nile and of lust.
She is usually depicted as a woman with a headdress that is either of reed or ostrich feathers. She also usually holds a sceptre topped with an ankh. Her sacred animal was the gazelle.
She was usually seen as the child of the gods Khnum and Satis, though some believed her to also be the consort of Khnum. She also formed a triad with these two other gods, which was known as the Elephantine Triad.
Anuket oversaw the fertility of the lands near the river and was recognized as the great nourisher of fields because of the annual flooding of the Nile that deposited the heavy layer of black silt that served to fertilize the crops that nourished a people and allowed the rise of civilization.
- Anuket - Wikipedia
- Anuket - Religion Wiki