The Demonic Paradise Wiki
Spear of Satan


Anguis is the name for Satan's weapon. The name 'anguis' is latin for 'serpent', which symbolizes Satan's most infamous feat, where he tempted Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Eden in the form of a snake.


Anguis resembles a spear or trident, although it makes sense on why it would resemble a trident due to it being a popular item in the stereotypical depiction of the Devil.


Satan uses the spear to channel his power through it and is capable of performing massive and destructive attacks with it in the process. He performs this action by spinning Anguis rapidly, collecting demonic power in the process and takes the formation of a massive sphere to which he can toss and ignites leaving a great destruction in its wake. He can also channel his power towards the tip of the spear, concentrating it to such a degree that he can unleash deadly bolts of energy and can create devastatingly powerful energy shockwaves by jabbing the spear to the ground.

The spear seems to amplify his magical powers, or at least aid in its usage. It is also shown to be highly durable as it is capable of withstanding powerful strikes from other weapons, even ones that were forged in Heaven. It is also shown that Satan can strike the ground with sufficient force to create fissures with the spear, and show no visible damage or signs of fatigue.
