Al Mudhib Abba Deebaj (The Golden One, father of Silk Brocade), also known as Abu 'Abdallah Sa'id, is not only one of the kings of Jinnestan but is also a son of Iblis himself.
He is one of the Eastern kings and is under the domain of Master Jalyut. He has over 360 different tribal families under his control. He possesses the secret of transmutation into gold and all the other workings under the sphere of the Sun.
Known as the Golden King, Al Mudhub is the ruler of Sunday, the sun, the color yellow or black and the metal lead and is monitored by the angel Ruqiayil. Al Mudhib possesses all secrets of occult knowledge such as the transmutation of gold and the workings of the sun. This jinn is associated with the incense sandarus (Arabian sandarac).
He is of the Jinn tribe Banu Danair al-Jan Jamlith, a powerful and mighty family known for their wisdom, knowledge, and mastery of the occult craft. One of the most famous of his children and his heir is the prince Sa‘īd Ibn al-Maḏhab, but he has also a famous daughter whose moniker is the ruby of luck and joy. Her name is ‘A’elah bint al-Maḏhab. He was also one of the jinn that was present during Solomon’s time.